Shannon Fennell's Blog

My life, art, travel, make-up, cooking and the occasional rant!

My solo exhibition for my MA Fine Art (year 2 of 3)

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It has been a busy month. My show was last Thursday evening (opening) and all day Friday. It went very well and I sold five framed pieces and lots of art print cards, which makes me very happy.

The unsold work is staying at Devonport Live, in their gallery/shop, for sale. Devonport Live is at 56 George Street, Plymouth, Devon PL1 4HR

Here are photos of the installation – it is all hung and set-up ready for guests. Photos run from the entry door around the room, then back to focus on the works.

Feedback was amazing – in person and in my guestbook. I had to explain my process a lot but it was fun.

The art print cards were from my Fine Art Diploma thesis project “Anthropocene of the Crime” and were very popular.

After the struggles with my vision the last couple of years, I am happy to have finally found a new style and method of working. My enthusiasm is back and inspiration is everywhere again! I’ve been making notes about new ideas for projects for the last couple of months, which I haven’t done for quite some time. I’m excited to start experimenting with expanding the concept of weaving with my printmaking and painting and incorporating mixed media.

Next year’s graduate show will probably include 3D works – I just have to figure out where the heck I’ll keep them until then! I took over the third bedroom this year to stockpile my work as it was mounted and framed, but that room now has to go back to original use. So, I’ll have to design large things to be able to be disassembled for storage which adds a big level of complexity.

Author: Shannon Fennell

Multidisciplinary artist, world traveller, make-up artist, and cheese lover. I follow a low carb lifestyle to keep my diabetes in remission. Canadian expat in the UK.

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